
Submit Nomination by October 31, 2018 at 12:00pm noon Eastern Daylight Time.

Submit Full Idea Proposal by December 10, 2018 at 12:00pm noon Eastern Daylight Time.

Thank you for your submission.

Finalists will be notified by November 15, 2018.


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Early Career Scientist

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SU2C – Peggy prescott early career scientist award in colorectal Cancer researchNOMINATION SUBMISSION SITE

Call for Nominations:

Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) invites nominations for the SU2C-Peggy Prescott Early Career Scientist Award in Colorectal Cancer Research. The Early Career Scientist will propose a novel cancer research project with significant potential for advancing key questions in colorectal cancer research.


1. Nominations are to be made by a member of a SU2C team.

2. The nomination instructions contain a nomination template for completion and submission to be filled out by a nominator.

3. Teams are required to have:

a) Nominator, Nominee and Mentor
b) Curriculum vitae for the Nominee
c) A brief summary of the research progress
d) A brief summary of the fitness of the nominee for this award

4. Projects should be planned for two years

5. Please submit your nomination by Wednesday October 31, 2018, at 12:00pm noon Eastern Daylight time to

Notification: The finalists will be notified by November 15, 2018, Finalists will need to submit a 1 page project summary including Specific Aims; Rationale and Approach; Project Milestones; and Potential for Translational Application and Patient Benefit along with a Career Statement by December 10, at 12:00pm noon Eastern Daylight time to The selected awardee will be notified mid-December with anticipated project start date in March 2019. Regulatory requirements must be in place before funding is disbursed.

Program Guidelines and Nomination Instructions

If you have questions, please contact us.